[Zope] Email address validator?
Bruce Eckel
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 20:10:40 -0800
Thanks! I spent a bit of time refactoring it. Also, I decided that if it=
worked it would return the address, otherwise it would return None to=
indicate failure.
import re
def ShouldBeNone(result): return result is not None
def ShouldNotBeNone(result): return result is None
tests =3D (
(re.compile("^[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]+\@[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]+$"), ShouldNotBeNone,=
"Failed a"),
(re.compile("^[^0-9a-zA-Z]|[^0-9a-zA-Z]$"), ShouldBeNone, "Failed b"),
(re.compile("([0-9a-zA-Z]{1})\@."), ShouldNotBeNone, "Failed c"),
(re.compile(".\@([0-9a-zA-Z]{1})"), ShouldNotBeNone, "Failed d"),
(re.compile(".\.\-.|.\-\..|.\.\..|.\-\-."), ShouldBeNone, "Failed e"),
(re.compile(".\.\_.|.\-\_.|.\_\..|.\_\-.|.\_\_."), ShouldBeNone, "Failed=
(re.compile(".\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$|.\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})$"), ShouldNotBeNone,=
"Failed g"),
def valid_email(address, debug=3DNone):
for test in tests:
if test[1](test[0].search(address)):
if debug: return test[2]
return None
return address
def tryAddress(address):
print address, valid_email(address, debug=3D1)
if __name__ =3D=3D '__main__':
#test a few:
tryAddress('my friend@bun.org')
*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
On 11/24/01 at 1:12 PM Jim Washington wrote:
>Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
>>>>>>>"BE" =3D=3D Bruce Eckel <Bruce@EckelObjects.com> writes:
>> BE> Worked like a charm! It turns out I was handing it an invalid
>> BE> "from" email address.
>> BE> Which brings up another question -- is there a piece of code
>> BE> that will validate email addresses somewhere? Seems like it
>> BE> would be a common tool (I'll bet the spammers have it!).
>>Do you mean you want to find out if a string looks like a valid email
>>address, or that it actually successfully delivers to some end
>>destination? The former is doable, the latter is exceedingly
>>Mailman has the following bit of code, which accomplishes the goal set
>>out in its docstring <wink>:
>I hadn't thought of looking through mailman. Here's one I put together
>a couple of weeks ago that seems a bit more thorough...
>-- Jim Washington
># This is hacked from an existing script written in perl, licensed "public
># The original perl script:
>http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Rx/Recipe/68432 2Nov2001
># author e-mail: tbyte@bolehmail.com
>Text of the perl script:
>sub ValidEmailAddr { #check if e-mail address format is valid
>my $mail =3D shift; #in
>form name@host
>return 0 if ( $mail !~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]+\@[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]+$/ );
>#characters allowed on name: 0-9a-Z-._ on host: 0-9a-Z-. on between: @
>return 0 if ( $mail =3D~ /^[^0-9a-zA-Z]|[^0-9a-zA-Z]$/); #must
>start or end with alpha or num
>return 0 if ( $mail !~ /([0-9a-zA-Z]{1})\@./ ); #name
>must end with alpha or num
>return 0 if ( $mail !~ /.\@([0-9a-zA-Z]{1})/ ); #host
>must start with alpha or num
>return 0 if ( $mail =3D~ /.\.\-.|.\-\..|.\.\..|.\-\-./g ); #pair
>.- or -. or -- or .. not allowed
>return 0 if ( $mail =3D~ /.\.\_.|.\-\_.|.\_\..|.\_\-.|.\_\_./g ); #pair
>._ or -_ or _. or _- or __ not allowed
>return 0 if ( $mail !~ /\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$/ ); #host
>must end with '.' plus 2 or 3 alpha for TopLevelDomain (MUST be modified
>in future!)
>return 1;
>e-mail checker, checks whether an e-mail address is formatted properly.
>from email_checker import valid_email
>s =3D "string to be tested"
>if valid_email(s):
> do_something()
> do something_else()
>import re
>rega =3D re.compile("^[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-\_]+\@[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]+$") #failure a
>regb =3D re.compile("^[^0-9a-zA-Z]|[^0-9a-zA-Z]$") #failure b
>regc =3D re.compile("([0-9a-zA-Z]{1})\@.") #failure c
>regd =3D re.compile(".\@([0-9a-zA-Z]{1})") #failure d
>rege =3D re.compile(".\.\-.|.\-\..|.\.\..|.\-\-.") #failure e
>regf =3D re.compile(".\.\_.|.\-\_.|.\_\..|.\_\-.|.\_\_.") #failure f
>regg =3D re.compile(".\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$|.\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})$")#failure g
>def valid_email(address, debug=3DNone):
> fail =3D None
> if rega.search(address) is None:
> fail =3D 'a'
> elif regb.search(address) is not None:
> fail =3D 'b'
> elif regc.search(address) is None:
> fail =3D 'c'
> elif regd.search(address) is None:
> fail =3D 'd'
> elif rege.search(address) is not None:
> fail =3D 'e'
> elif regf.search(address) is not None:
> fail =3D 'f'
> elif regg.search(address) is None:
> fail =3D 'g'
> if fail is not None:
> if debug:
> return address,fail,None
> else:
> return None
> if debug:
> return address,1,1
> else:
> return 1
>if __name__ =3D=3D '__main__':
> #test a few:
> print valid_email('z+z.e@bun.org', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('z.e@.org', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('_az.e@bun.org', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('e@b.g', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('a_-.e@bun.org', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('ok.computer@-bun.org', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('ok.e@bun.org', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('OK@bun.org', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('t@bun.info', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('my friend@bun.org', debug=3D1)
> print valid_email('my.friend.bun.org', debug=3D1)
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