[Zope] Getting email fields right
Bruce Eckel
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 07:25:58 -0800
It turns out this was a bug with MailHost, that was fixed in 2.4.3.
I'm running 2.4.2.
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On 11/29/01 at 3:56 PM flynt wrote:
>Hi Bruce
>I am puzzled a bit. I tested before I sent you the message. And I
>more after your reply that it did not work for you. Furthermore,
>in the source code, the Mailhost product's *MailHost.send* method
>nothing else than using smtplib. So if Fredric Lundh's receipt is
>working with smtplib, it should do so with Zope's Mailhost.
>I tested with:
>- Zope 2.3.3 and Zope 2.4.3 on Linux
>- Zope 2.4.3 on Windows XP
>- Email clients Netscape Messenger and MS Outlook
>- different SMTP servers in the MailHost object: Intranet
(Sendmail and
>MS Exchange), mx0.gmx.net (qmail)
>- different sender and recipients addresses (Intranet and GMX)
>- by using test tab of the external method and by calling the
>from a DTML method.
>For all cases it works.
>I could reproduce your original problem (I got the from part in
>email, but for recipients I got only *Undisclosed recipients*),
but I
>cannot reproduce the problems with the wrong (missing ?) *from*
and *to*
>you are reporting now. I *do* get the *from* and *to* fields
>filled when using the external method that I copy-pasted into the
>that I have sent earlier.
>Sorry, at the moment I have no idea about what might be the
>Maybe someone else has an idea ? And I do not understand why it
>work with smtplib but not with Zope's Mailhost object's *send*
>--- Flynt
>Bruce Eckel wrote:
>> Thanks ... except, it doesn't actually work. I installed it and
>> tried it, and it sends email but the From and To fields are not
>> filled out properly.
>> Using smtplib does work, however.
>> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********
>> On 11/28/01 at 1:13 PM flynt wrote:
>> >Bruce Eckel wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I'm using the MailHost to send email from within an external
>> >> method. I've tried a number of different combinations,
>> >> something as elaborate as this:
>> >>
>> >> self.MailHost.send("This is a test", # Body
>> >> "To: Bruce Eckel <Bruce@EckelObjects.com>",
>> >> "From: Bruce Eckel <Bruce@EckelObjects.com>",
>> >> "Test Email") # Subject
>> >>
>> >> However, I can't seem to get the "to" and "from" fields to
>> up
>> >> right in the resulting email. All I end up with is a 'to'
>> of
>> >> Bruce@EckelObjects.com
>> >> and an empty 'from' field.
>> >>
>> >> I suspect others have done this before and solved the
>> Or
>> >> will want to :-)
>> >
>> >Hi Bruce
>> >
>> >With the help of Lundh's *Python Standard Library* I got to the
>> >following. This is in the external method:
>> >
>> >import string
>> >def testmail(self):
>> > message = "This is a test"
>> > mto = "Bruce@EckelObjects.com"
>> > mfrom = "Bruce@EckelObjects.com"
>> > subject = "Test Email"
>> > encode = None
>> >
>> > body = string.join((
>> > "From: %s" % mfrom,
>> > "To: %s" % mto,
>> > "Subject: %s" % subject,
>> > "",
>> > message), "\r\n")
>> >
>> > self.MailHost.send(body, [mto], mfrom, subject, encode)
>> >
>> >
>> >Greetings
>> >
>> >--- Flynt
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