[Zope] freebsd/zope2.4.1 problem

Gerrie Roos gerrie@trispen.com
Tue, 02 Oct 2001 10:21:30 +0200

I've been happily running zope2.3.0/python2.0 on a freebsd 3.5
installation, apart form occasional crashes that I couldn't fix.

So I got myself zope2.4.1 and python2.1.1 packages from freebsd.org and
got down to installing 'em.  I had to specify a /usr2/local prefix for
both installations due to server space requirements...python seemed
quite happy, but I had to change zope's start script to accommodate the
new path.  I then tried the start script, and it gave a traceback
similar to the one below, except that some of the paths still used 'usr'
instead of 'usr2'.  So I ran '/usr2/local/bin/python wo_pcgi.py' to see
if it  would help.  Yes, it did fix the paths, but I still get:

gerrie@oskar:/usr2/local/www/Zope# ./start
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr2/local/www/Zope/z2.py", line 540, in ?
    import ZServer
  File "/usr2/local/www/Zope/ZServer/__init__.py", line 87, in ?
    from medusa.test import max_sockets
  File "/usr2/local/www/Zope/ZServer/medusa/test/max_sockets.py", line
3, in ?
    import select
ImportError: /usr2/local/lib/python2.1/lib-dynload/select.so: Undefined
symbol "poll"

I'm no python guru, but it seems that the pre-compiled library
'select.so' can't find the "poll" symbol *grin*...why?  Its a python
problem, right?  Should I install python from source?  Argh! I tried
that initially, but got myriads of problems with it not able to compile
_cursessomethingsomething, not finding wchar.h, etc etc....besides, then
I'll have to force install the zope package, since it won't find the
python package...so I'd have to use the zope source too....which I'll
do, but maybe somebody can spare me some time by explaining what's going

...or maybe this post should go to alt.freebsd or somewhere if its a
freebsd problem, or python mailing list, I just don't know...
