[Zope] Help with database users !!!!!!!!
Farrell, Troy
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 08:18:37 -0500
You are becoming desperate. If 90% of the products don't work, Zope
probably wouldn't be so popular, since many products are integral to =
usefulness. Can you give use more information? Perhaps with =
specifics, we
can help you. Tracebacks and error codes are especially helpful.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Juli=E1n Mu=F1oz Dom=EDnguez [mailto:jmunoz@softhome.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 6:03 AM
> To: zope@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope] Help with database users !!!!!!!!
> I am starting to become desesperated .............
> With zope 2.4.0, and there is no way to have "something"=20
> working well. 90%
> of the products don't work.
> Including the database users folders. I have tested all, and=20
> none is working.
> I can't install posgree adapter (exuser folder seems to be the better
> product now and it allows posgree), and mysqluserfolder is=20
> failing (after
> installing the adapter, which was not inmediate).
> Why is all failing this way ??? (O god)
> --=20
> __o
> _ \<_
> (_)/(_)
> Saludos de Juli=E1n
> -.-