[Zope] Navigation help

Thomas B. Passin tpassin@mitretek.org
Wed, 3 Oct 2001 14:33:56 -0400

[Todd Loomis]
> I would like to build a navigation bar at the top of my pages that consist
> of  home and the last four pages they came from. Can this be done?

Not literally the way you have stated it.  The pages "they" came from are
known to "their" browser, but you can't know what they were unless you put
some monitoring demon on "their" machine, or unless you run some javascript
in a page to look at the browser history (I'm not sure that security
protections would allow that across sites).  In any event, this would
constitute spying on a person's browsing behavior, which is a very
unfriendly thing to do IMHO.

Perhaps you mean something a little different.  Perhaps you mean the last
pages ***from within your site***.  You could do that with cookies, or by
using forms.  Each hyperlink could actually send you a form with hidden
variables showing the last pages.  Each page would have to be built
dynamically each time so that you could insert the updated values in the
hidden fields.  Or, you could save the information in session variables.


Tom P