[Zope] More CoreSession/Data Container questions

sean.upton@uniontrib.com sean.upton@uniontrib.com
Tue, 09 Oct 2001 14:57:32 -0700

Make sure you set them to be equivalent periods in time, and you should be
in ok shape.  For example, if you had a session that you wanted to preserve
for 45 days, set your cookie expiration to 45 days, and your container
object timeout to (45*1440).  Also, for applications that use different
session expirations in session id managers (which, by design, need to be in
different folder hierarchies), you would want to create multiple session
data containers in your non-undo storage; otherwise you would have to create
a container storing objects for longer than they might be needed.  I have a
server that currently serves 2 different virtual hosts through Zope, and has
much different uses of CST, so I have a session is manager in each site, and
share an externally mounted non-undo db at the path /session_storage, which
is available as a path to each session data manager in each virtual host via
acquisition, but they use different container objects within that storage;
this works out well for me.

One tip, though, with CST: do not (I repeat, do not) install Transparent
Folders; they will break CST so that you cannot have more than one session
id manager, which sucks if you are doing virtual hosting of several sites
needing different session exp. times...


-----Original Message-----
From: CJ Kucera [mailto:pez@apocalyptech.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 2:32 PM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope] More CoreSession/Data Container questions

I'm wondering about the relationship between the "Data object timeout
value" in the Data Container and the "Cookie Lifetime" in the Session
ID Manager.

I've set the Cookie Lifetime rather high because I want the sessions
to basically persist forever, but the value in the Data Container is
determined in minutes, not days, so I'm a bit confused as to how long
data from a session will actually persist.

Could someone clarify this for me?

Thanks once again for all the help!


WOW: Rapacious           | A priest advised Voltaire on his death bed to
apocalyptech.com/wow     |  renounce the devil.  Replied Voltaire, "This
pez@apocalyptech.com     |              is no time to make new enemies."

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