[ZWeb] Re: [Zope] Come kick some tires, at new.zope.org
Thomas B. Passin
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 12:34:11 -0400
[Frank McGeough]
> The total size for the EuroZope design is approx 26K. This is quite
> reasonable for even a slower connection. It is possible to design easy to
> use and nice looking web pages that are not slow. The new.zope.org is not
> great looking. It is fast though.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Penny
> To: zope@zope.org
> Anything that slows those down is a _bad_ idea; and lots of graphics
> will do nothing but slow those down.
> Now... If you were to propose a "Am I hot" section where people could
> submit zope based websites for peer review/rating, (preferably
> multi-axis,
> perhaps pretty, functional, novel, etc.) then I would have no objection.
> But please leave zope.org very plain jane.
Just to clarify, when I talk about good design I DO NOT mean "lots of
graphics". I mean simplicity, clean appearance, good usability, things are
easy to find, pages respond quickly and work the way you expect them to,
page content is useful and its intent is clear.
Tom P