[ZWeb] Re: [Zope] Come kick some tires, at new.zope.org
Robert Rottermann
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 18:52:33 +0200
There are people that insist every webpage should be viewable by text only
browsers like lynx.
And if its only speed that counts they might be right.
However our job in the end is not programming and looking what is out there
to help with this objective but to prosper in a competitive environment. And
this means selling our services.
And here we have to deal with people that know nothing and care less about
most what us technically oriented people interests. They will eventually
decide for the solution that gave them the best impression. What forms that
impression has of course many facets. However it's about a zillion times
easier to impress with a nice face than with a nice program structure.
(And of course we want it to be fast and the right thing should pop up just
half a second before we did reach for it ...)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Penny" <jpenny@universal-fasteners.com>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2001 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ZWeb] Re: [Zope] Come kick some tires, at new.zope.org
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2001 at 10:59:44AM +0200, Robert Rottermann wrote:
> >
> > The sad thing about it is that to sell something, even to us techies,
> > features are much less important than its "look and feel".
> >
> > If I take Zope's motto "Content management for half the price" and use
> > CMF-Dogbowl as a reference people will think "yes it shows".
> >
> > Nobody looks under the hood. Either its glossy or they keep on looking
> > further.
> >
> > What I want to say with my epistle is this: Either visual design is of
> > priority from the very beginning or it will probably never be there..
> To quote Opus "I object, I object, By Golly, I object".
> I visit zope.org nearly every day to
> 1) look for new product announcements
> 2) as a portal to the "Zope Exits"
> 3) for documentation
> 4) to download products
> Anything that slows those down is a _bad_ idea; and lots of graphics
> will do nothing but slow those down.
> Now... If you were to propose a "Am I hot" section where people could
> submit zope based websites for peer review/rating, (preferably multi-axis,
> perhaps pretty, functional, novel, etc.) then I would have no objection.
> But please leave zope.org very plain jane.
> Now, some real feedback...
> The new search interface is much better. The less intrusive header is
> much better.
> Something is going wrong in search display, however....
> Search on "session and manager". Note the second item "No title".
> Description is one long run-on mess. It is neither truncated to
> a reasonable length, nor is it properly formatted. Same with
> SiteTracker. And why did Core Session Product not satisfy the search?
> Are the Exits gone? Perhaps it is time.
> Jim Penny
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