Myles Byrne wisemanb@ihug.com.au
12 Oct 2001 11:47:31 +1000

Hey, I just started using zope and i suppose this would classify me in
common internet language as a 'newbie'. This is also my first post to
the list. I've found zope to be absolutely amazing for rapid web
application development and can't see why anyone would use anything

Anyway heres my question:

I'm setting up a page for a project i'm undertaking with some of my
friends and one of the things they wanted was a sort of shared address
book with each members email, icq, mobile number etc. This sounded easy
enough and the solution i came up with (probably not the best) was to
create a folder called 'contacts' containing a seperate DTML document
for each user where the title would be their name, the content would be
their general comments and properties were created for email, icq no.
etc. I should also mention there are only about ten users. I can then
set up a sime DTML method to iterate over all the documents and display
all the details. My problem comes when I want to build a facility to
allow the users to edit their details. What I thought i could do but
evidently doesn't work is the following:

(in DTML method called 'edit')

<dtml with="AUTHENTICATED_USER">  <------ this line is supposed to
select which file they are going to edit based on their user name but it
doesn't work.

any help would be appreciated,

