[Zope] exUserFolder docs?
Andrew Kenneth Milton
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 15:54:12 +1000
+-------[ Andreas Wandel ]----------------------
| Andrew Kenneth Milton wrote:
| > Yes we need docs for exuserfolder, especially for some of the more
| > esoteric auth sources.
| >
| Are there already docs available for the smbAuthSource?
I have just released the Unenlightened Zopistas Guide to exUserFolder,
it's available at;
Covers installation, and the major auth sources. It's version 0.0 so it might
be a bit rough.
Totally Holistic Enterprises Internet| | Andrew Milton
The Internet (Aust) Pty Ltd | |
ACN: 082 081 472 ABN: 83 082 081 472 | M:+61 416 022 411 | Carpe Daemon
PO Box 837 Indooroopilly QLD 4068 |akm@theinternet.com.au|