[Zope] Help Needed on LdapLoginAdapter-rrrr
zope zope
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 07:24:30 -0700 (PDT)
I am new to zope and I am facing the problem using
LDAPLoginAdapter Product. We Have Active Directory on
windows 2000 server in place. following is a sample of
a user record/entry in the Directory.
Following are the sample user object attributes
mail zzope@yahoo.com
objectClass top
objectClass person
objectClass user
name zzope
sn zzope
I am able to connect to the Directory service for sure
because I can see all the groups listed in the cache
tab. But my problem is that I am not able to log into
the site using my NT UserId and Password. Secondly I
dont see any users listed in the Cache tab. That is
understandable because it says that only the currently
loged in users would be listed and that the superuser
would not be listed. I need help on this urgently. One
more thing - I would like to know if there exists any
article on the usage of LDAPLoginAdapter. I want to
know how the authentication happens and how roles are
fetched and how roles are internally mapped to prevent
unauthorized access to restricted areas. I have gone
through the readme.txt that accompanies the product.
But it did'nt turn out to be very helpful. Kindly
help. thanks.
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