[Zope] Stupid question for Stupid Logger
Thomas B. Passin
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:39:16 -0400
[Stefano Vedovelli]
> I have to run Zope under WinNT, and I need to log application errors when
> they happen. I have tried to activate the Stupid Log by setting the
> environment variable like this:
> set STUPID_FILE_LOGGER=/temp/Zope.log
> Well, nothing happens. They file is not created nor any exception is
> trapped. Now the questions are:
> - Am I doing to wrong thing? If yes, please correct me.
> - Is it the right tool to use? If not, please give me some
> pointers/indications.
If you are running Zope as an NT service, it would be better to set the
environmental variable in the administration management panel (I'm not usre
where it is on NT, since I only have Win 2000).
Furthermore, you need to use a legal Windows path, not the *nix path you
have illustrated, since it cannot exist in a Windows machine.
Tom P