[Zope] Accessrule and site root folder "in the depth" of the zope tree

Danny William Adair danny@adair.net
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 09:54:47 +1300

Hi Gilles!

The TraversalRequestNameStack is a list (handled like a stack) and holds the 
object ids separately. If you access "myObject" in the subfolder 
"mySubfolder" underneath the Zope root folder for example, the 
TraversalRequestNameStack will look like this:


(yes, in reverse order)

An object with the id 'somewhere/site2' does not exist, so you would have to 
append two string to the list...

In your case, I would not "append" a single item to a list, but append a 
whole list to a list, with single items being lists with one item:

servermap = {
  'www.site1.com': ['site1'],
  'www.site2.com': ['site2','somewhere']
machine = _.string.lower(_.string.split(context.REQUEST.HTTP_HOST, ':')[0])
if servermap.has_key(machine):

Again, keep in mind the reverse order inside your lists. Of course you could 
make this a little more elegant, since you call 
context.REQUEST['TraversalRequestNameStack'] twice.


On Saturday 13 October 2001 07:51, Gilles Lenfant wrote:
> Hi,
> As you can see in the nexts script (accessrule), I want all request to
> www.site2.com to start from the Zope folder "somewhere/site2" (2nd level of
> ZODB tree) but it does not work when it works for site1 (like all others at
> first level of ZODB tree).
> Is there something I missed (I'm sure I did but what... :)).
> Thanks in advance.
> --Gilles
> ================
> servermap = {
>   'www.site1.com': 'site1',
>   'www.site2.com': 'somewhere/site2'
>   }
> machine = _.string.lower(_.string.split(context.REQUEST.HTTP_HOST, ':')[0])
> if servermap.has_key(machine):
>     context.REQUEST['TraversalRequestNameStack'].append(servermap[machine])
> return
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