[Zope] Excluding specific objects from ZCatalog indexing
Casey Duncan
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 09:32:03 -0400
On Tuesday 16 October 2001 06:44 am, Harry Wilkinson allegedly wrote:
> Hey all :)
> What's the simplest way of excluding specific documents from a search?
> Well, not just from a search; it would be nice if they were never indexed
> in the first place.
Don't make them catalog-aware
Change their default catalog to something that doesn't exist.
> I've heard rumours that it's very easy to do and the mechanisms for
> excluding them explicitly are already there, but I haven't yet found out if
> these rumours are true :)
Objects aren't indexed at all by default, what are these documents exactly?
> If possible I would like to avoid having to do things like add another
> index to the catalog specifying whether the document should be visible.
> Thanks in advance :)
> Harry
Casey Duncan, Sr. Web Developer
National Legal Aid and Defender Association