[Zope] Newbie zope site architecture question
Steven Turoff
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 20:11:10 -0500
I am building an extranet for customers using Zope. Being new to Zope, I'm
still trying to figure out the best way to organize this. Here are the
basic requirements:
1) All content is private - every customer must have a username and password.
2) After login, the customer is taken to their section. The basic format
and design of each customer's section is the same. For the purposes of this
email, let's assume that each customer has the following sections:
a) projects - a place where I can post information (html pages, Word
documents, Excel documents, ...) pertaining to each project that I am
working on for the customer. A customer may have multiple projects going
on, each of which has a set of documents associated with it.
b) schedule - a place where I can post a schedule for the customer
c) documents - a place where the customer and I can both post documents
3) Adding new sections, for example, 'news', should not cause any problems
with old customers. For example, if I have thirty existing customers that
each have the three sections listed above, and then I decide that I want to
add a 'news' section, I should not have to add thirty zope folders to
accomodate the existing customers (or there should be an easy way of doing
4) Adding new customers should be easy
5) Customers have view access to everything in their section, and write
access to certain parts.
6) There will be some generic sections (for example, Annoucements) where
the information is the same for all clients.
I have a good idea of how I would build this using other technologies
(e.g., jsp and mySQL), but am not sure how to organize it using
Zope. Should I create folders for each customer, folders for each section,
or both? Should I put the actual data for each customer into a relational
database and retrieve it from there? I've read the Zope Book and am
confident that I can figure out a good way of accomplishing all of this,
but I would like to benefit from other's experience, if possible. Any help
would be much appreciated.