[Zope] validating a field from records in a database
Sheree Beaudette
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 10:12:11 -0400
Can anyone else help with my problem? One of the users gave me some help
but I'm still having a problem. I'm open for suggestions on another
approach or help with the one I'm attempting.
Thanks in advance!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Beaudette, Sheree
To: 'stuart.nicholson@wirelessdatanz.com'
Sent: 10/18/01 8:22 AM
Subject: FW: [Zope] validating a field with records in a database
It's me again.
Ok, I tried what you said and it seems logical but I keep getting the so
informative 'Error on Page' javascript error.
Here's what I have.
var listofids = new Array();
<dtml-in clsqGetObligorUniqueIDs>
listofids[<dtml-var sequence-index>] = <dtml-var obl_UniqueID>;
function uniqueid(uniqueIDfield)
var i = 0;
if (listofids[i]==uniqueIDfield)
alert ("This ID already exists.");
i=listofids.length; }
} while (++i < listofids.length);
then in my form I have it calling this function
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="obl_UniqueID" onChange="uniqueid(obl_UniqueID)"
tabindex="1" size="10" value=''>
I tried a couple of different things...
I wasn't sure how to refer to the array. Do I pass it in on the
onChange event? I tried that and still got the error. So if this is
the case how do I refer to it?
Also I printed a list of current variables and listofids isn't there.
When would this be populated?
I think I'm just missing a piece or two.
Hope you can help! Thanks!
Sheree Beaudette, AVP
Applications Support Analyst
Banknorth Group, Commercial Services
Fax: 207-756-6990
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Nicholson [mailto:stuart.nicholson@wirelessdatanz.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:41 PM
To: Sheree Beaudette
Subject: RE: [Zope] validating a field with records in a database
I'm building similar solutions using Zope/DTML/Javascript. If you want
populate a Javascript array to use on the client side for form
validation, I
believe you want
something more like:
<script language="javascript">
var listofids = new Array();
<dtml-in clsqGetObligorUniqueIDs>
listofids[<dtml-var sequence-index>] = <dtml-var obl_UniqueID>;
And then use this array for your Javascript form validation.
I'm fairly certain this isn't the best solution as you're building a big
static array (depending on the number of entries in your MySQL table) in
Javascript. But I think it's
the only option if you want to do validation all on the same form
redirecting and validating on the Zope server). The trick here of course
to distinguish the Zope
server side DTML scripting from the Web browesr client side Javascript.
Hope that helps?
Stuart Nicholson
Software Engineer
Wireless Data
-----Original Message-----
From: Sheree Beaudette [mailto:sheree@psouth.net]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 3:25 PM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope] validating a field with records in a database
I hope someone can help with this. I'm under the gun to get this done...
the concept of what I have to do is...
I have a form with several fields on it. all of the data, once
goes into 1 MySQL table called t_Obligors.
1. the user will enter an id (obl_UniqueID) into an input field
2. as soon as they enter it I want the data in the field to be verified
that a prior Unique ID does not exist (probably onChange event) by
the t_Obligors table (I have a sql query called cldmGetObligorUniqueIDs)
this point obl_UniqueID is not the primary key and I'm not sure if I
want it
to be because the database was not originally set up with this field so
would be a lot of work to go back and re-populate data. (I'm also under
tight deadline)
3. to do the actual event I was using Javascript (this one would occur
the onChange event) for my form validation since that's what I know and
don't have time at this point to learn something new since it needs to
done very quickly.
4. if there's a match they get a message saying that ID is already in
so please enter another
Here was a thought I had been playing with:
below sets an increment, i, and attempts to populate an array for future
in my Javascript but I cannot get the array to increment, I don't even
how to refer an array (or whatever it's called) in Zope.
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('i', 0)"> - sets increment to zero
<dtml-in clsqGetObligorUniqueIDs> - loops through the query and gets all
Unique IDs
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('listofids.[i]',obl_UniqueID)"> - trying to set
array with unique IDs
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('i', i+1)">
this was only one thought, I'm open for suggestions...
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