[Zope] Printable page
Paul Zwarts
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 12:33:54 +0200
Its sounds like you want to have a single variable that affects
templated html for your interface. There are products to help you do
this, search for Skins. However, I prefer just to have a session
variable that affects IF statements inside my standard_html_header and
Your interface must be separated from your content otherwise this could
become a nasty project for you.
Paul Zwarts
-----Original Message-----
From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org] On Behalf Of Juan
Garcia Garcia
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:40 AM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope] Printable page
i must put in my site a link equals to the one existing in zope.org
called "Printable page", but there is a problem. The web pages shown
depend on values of variables sent by forms, or consulting a
database, ... For this reason i can't put a link directly to the
document, i would pass all the variables to show the page correctly.
The variables are not always the same, it depends on what you are
Anyone can help me?
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