[Zope] Mail Filters?
Paul Winkler
Wed, 24 Oct 2001 11:40:30 -0400
On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 01:12:18PM +0100, Chris Withers wrote:
> Paul Winkler wrote:
> >
> > You'd rather have 200+ messages a day dumped into your inbox when you
> > only care about a few of them? Yuck. If there were newsgroups I'd
> > unsub from this list in a minute.
> You've never heard of mail filtering rules?
Yes, I use them.
We've gone over this already in this thread.
Having trouble keeping up with the mailing list, Chris? ;-)
The point is moot; Phil Harris is already working on a news interface
to this list.
paul winkler
home: http://www.slinkp.com
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