[Zope] Running multiple versions of Zope?

Paul Winkler slinkp23@yahoo.com
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 14:54:34 -0400

On Thu, Oct 25, 2001 at 10:56:49AM -0700, earth_to_zope@space.com wrote:
> Is it possible/good-idea to run 2 different versions of Zope on the same server (using 2 different ports)?

Sure, no problem. Just use 2 ports.

> I have a Zope-1.10 application running on a RedHat 7.1 server
> installation (using ZHTTPserver listening to port 9673). It
> installed it's own Python (1.5.1, I think). The RedHat 7.1 installed
> 1.5.2.  Can I install the current version of Zope and have it listen
> on a different port (and *I assume* using the system's 1.5.2
> Python)?

No problem, as long as you really do have two different python
binaries on your system. Look at the "start" script in the base Zope
directory.  It'll say something like

exec /usr/bin/python \
     $INST_HOME/z2.py \
Change the exec to point to the version of python you want to run with
this Zope. That's all.

> Also, where does Python v2.x fit into Zope?

I've used Python 2.1 with Zope 2.3.3 on my development box, and it
seems to be OK - though I've had some odd refresh issues.
I probably wouldn't do it on a production server.

You get some warnings at startup about the deprecated "regex" module,
but that's no problem. They are safe to ignore.

Officially, Zope 2.4.x is the first series of Zope to support (and
REQUIRE) Python 2.x. If you want python 2.x, use that.
> I'd like to start the process of rebuilding this old 1.10
> application (that was dropped in my lap) using the current version of
> Zope and possibly (as someone suggested earlier) using MySQL instead
> of ZTables for the database info.

I came along long after 1.10, but I've done a couple of minor Zope
version updates and I often have two versions of Zope running to test
things out during that process.


paul winkler
home:  http://www.slinkp.com
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