[Zope] How to automagically wrap any dtml-doc with std_header/footer
Dario Lopez-Kästen
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 10:28:39 +0200
----- Original Message -----
From: "Magnus Heino" <magnus.heino@pleon.sigma.se>
> > So, I am looking for a better solution. Hoe does zope.org do it?
> Dont use dtml-method/document's. Create a new custom python product/ZCl=
> to store your data.
Ok, I'll look into it.
> I don't want to be rude, but if you don't know this, I don't see how yo=
> say that ZPT is too un-mature at this point to be usable.
I am, as you yourself state, no expert, but I this is the reason not to
choose ZPT for the moment:
* I have the feeling that ZPT is still under more or less intense
Now, I use stuff that is still under development in our project,
exUserFolder for instance, but, in contrast to ZPT, I am able to grasp and
understand the inner workings of exUserFolder and fix whatever error i
discover myself. I cannot do that with ZPT, because it is a much larger and
more complex piece of software. Also, _for our current project_, the effects
of big changes are much more profound if we were to use ZPT compared to
major changes in exUserFolder.
I am having a hard time as it is keeping my co-developers happy with zope,
which is a totally new environment for all of us. Adding the extra
complexity of ZPT is really not an option at this moment. I am following the
ZPT mailing list (more or less; I am subscribed), and we will be switching
to ZPT in future projects, not because it will be bundled with future Zope
versions, but for the very reason that I chose Zope over PHP, JSP, Perl in
the first place: separation of content, presentation and logic.
So, this is the reason I have for not choosing ZPT over dtml *right now*.
Maybe it is the wrong one, but so be it; we are two weeks from user testing,
this issue is a minor thing and I am not about to do ZPT evangilising at
this stage.
And yes, imo, you were rude; that last comment was totally uncalled for.
> /Magnus
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen Systems Developer Chalmers Univ. of Technology
dario@ita.chalmers.se ICQ will yield no hits IT Systems & Services