[Zope] Re: Threading, dtml and performance?!
Oliver Bleutgen
Oliver Bleutgen <myzope@gmx.net>
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 12:17:56 +0200
>> Hitting the stop button on the browser at least causes two things:
>> a) stop making further requests (stop loading images etc.) on that
>> page
>> b) reset all open tcp connections from that browser window by
>> sending a RST packet.
> Interesting,
> Although why is it then that if you click a link in the manage interface
> and press stop, the page will get published to you anyways?
> Paul Zwarts
This I am not able to reproduce, because I'm not fast enough in
clicking ;-). I guess it's the html, take for instance
If you are not on a very fast connection, you'll have to
wait sometime until the page is rendered. That is because
of a complicated table layout the browser has to wait
for the whole html-source to be loaded in order to render it.
But pressing stop while loading renders part of the
page (in IE 5.5), everything which the browser got before
you pressed stop will be rendered. You can check that by looking
at the source, it just ends in the middle.
It might be that you just get the impression of the whole page
being published. in fact most of it "was there", but the
browser just decided it couldn't begin rendering it, for
layout reasons.
OTH, the behaviour of the "stop" button might be browser
dependent, but a doubt that. Sending rst is the logical thing
to do, IMO.