[Zope] (no subject)
Oliver Erlewein
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 17:33:43 +0200 (MEST)
Hi Tony
The Values I had were: (Sun 2.8, Python2.1, 4 Processor)
creating task 1
creating task 2
creating task 3
creating task 4
creating task 5
creating task 6
creating task 7
creating task 8
creating task 9
creating task 10
waiting for all tasks to complete
task 1 will run for 6.7 sec
task 2 will run for 4.3 sec
task 3 will run for 7.3 sec
task 4 will run for 9.3 sec
task 5 will run for 1.1 sec
task 6 will run for 4.5 sec
task 7 will run for 4.1 sec
task 8 will run for 3.9 sec
task 9 will run for 6.3 sec
task 10 will run for 5.8 sec
task 5 done
task 8 done
task 7 done
task 2 done
task 6 done
task 10 done
task 9 done
task 1 done
task 3 done
task 4 done
all tasks done
And for the Sun 2.7, Intel 1xProcessor:
creating task 1
creating task 2
creating task 3
creating task 4
creating task 5
creating task 6
creating task 7
creating task 8
creating task 9
creating task 10
waiting for all tasks to complete
task 1 will run for 0.1 sec
task 2 will run for 5.0 sec
task 3 will run for 4.4 sec
task 4 will run for 1.3 sec
task 5 will run for 4.0 sec
task 6 will run for 3.8 sec
task 7 will run for 4.0 sec
task 8 will run for 5.6 sec
task 9 will run for 2.2 sec
task 10 will run for 1.2 sec
task 1 done
task 10 done
task 4 done
task 9 done
task 6 done
task 5 done
task 7 done
task 3 done
task 2 done
task 8 done
all tasks done
Does that help at all? What did I prove with that? Whats this ***Barrier***
I'll test on my private Linux box on the weekend.
Regards Oliver
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