[Zope] What's up with netcraft?

Tom Cameron tom@cameron.to
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 12:05:35 +1000

I wonder how they work it out.

I have almost 50 websites running on Zope and I noticed that only about 5 of
them are listed.

Is there some way to submit sites to them? how do they crawl the web?


=> -----Original Message-----
=> From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of David
=> Lutz
=> Sent: Monday, 10 September 2001 11:39 AM
=> To: zope@zope.org
=> Subject: [Zope] What's up with netcraft?
=> I noticed that the latest netcraft survey shows that there are 4056 live
=> Zope servers on the net in August.
=> http://www.netcraft.com/Survey/Reports/0108/
=> This is down from 11756 servers in July.
=> Here is a graph:
=> http://www.ozzope.org/aboutzope/
=> What is going on here?  Did half the people running Zope suddenly switch
=> off their servers or did Netcraft muck up their stats last month?
=> Cheers,   David.
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