[Zope] What's up with netcraft?

Cees de Groot cg@cdegroot.com
10 Sep 2001 21:06:07 +0200

Martijn Pieters <mj@zope.com> said:
>I can think of three scenario's, both based on the fact that there was a
>Belgian domain name broker that had several thousand template websites
>running in Zope.
Sorry, but we're no domain name broker but rather a Zope-loving ISP (nor
are we Belgian, we just happen to operate in this country as well as a
bunch of other countries) - these were actual customer sites, even though
they were just business cards. And yes, we moved them to Intershop ePages
for a number of reasons (all commercial, by the way - technology-wise I
would have liked to keep them in Zope) and thus we were the main cause of
the plunge at Netcraft (we were the main cause of the rise in the first
place :-))

We're still having a couple of thousand of our own domain names with
business cards in Zope, but also around a hundred 'real' customer sites -
and I hope we'll grow that number fast enough to get Zope in the top of
the list again, this time with real real sites...

>It looks like the last scenario, I checked via Netcraft  and noticed that
>the broker switched hosting provider and in the process it's sites switched
>from Zope to Apache. Here is one example:
Actually we went from a borrowed IP address to our own range, but apart from
that your guesses were mostly correct. 


Cees de Groot
The InternetOne
Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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