[Zope] problems with first pyhton product
Achim Domma
Tue, 11 Sep 2001 11:41:59 +0200
I'm just writing my first Zope (2.4.0) Produkt in Python, but I have some
problems :
I have two classes, one of them is folder-like and should contain the other.
I followed the advice in the 'Zope Developer Guide' and created all
neccessary files (interfaces, implementations, __init__.py,...) and I could
use the objects in Zope. Everything fine so far. But now I want to call a
memberfunction of an instance through the web.
For example:
I have an instance of an object with the id 'MyInstanceA' in the folder
'TestFolder'. Now I want to handle the data posted from a form via a
memberfunction of this instance. The function is defined as:
def handleFormData(self,param1,param2):
If I try to access this function through the url
'.../TestFolder/MyInstanceA/handleFormData' I get a 'resource not found'
error. BTW the function is declared as public.
If I name the function 'index_html' I also get an 'resource not found'
error, but if I remove index_html Zope finds again the index_html on a upper
level in the hierachy.
I think I understand something wrong, so could somebody give me a hint ?