[Zope] manage_addExtFile (was: help me please)
Dieter Maurer
Tue, 11 Sep 2001 22:54:43 +0200 (CEST)
The Zope community generally perfers that questions go onto the
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and the replies in the mailing list archives helps other
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Reply goes to the list, too.
Vineet Ahuja writes:
> dear dieter,
> i amtrying to user extfile.I am using the following my python script:-
> -----------python script-------------------------
> context.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addExtFile(self, id=t1, title=t2,
> descr=t3, file=file, content_type='', permission_check=0, REQUEST='')
> ---------------python script end------------------
"ExtFile" lives in its own product, not the "OFSP" (Object File System
Product). I do not know its name precisely, but I would expect
it is similar to "ExtFile". Then you would use:
I doubt that you should pass the "self". Almost surely, it
is passed in implicitely.