[Zope] Moving a application from digicool.com to our host...

Philippe Jadin philippe@123piano.com
Wed, 12 Sep 2001 21:39:34 +0200

> a) be of interest to those who subscribe to this list
> b) find a knowledgable "been there, done that" answer from among this
> list's readers.

Legitim imho.
> I am looking forward to finally "getting my hands dirty" with Zope (in
> resolving this problem and administering the application), and hope that in
> the near future I too can provide answers to those new to Zope.

So if I were you, I'd find an isp that *support* zope. You will
eventually need to convince your client to switch isp.

Why ? Would you host your site on an apache server with a hosting
company that doesn't support apache? Zope is not a simple cgi that can
be installed like a counter. It's a complete server and it seems not so
easy to maintain (at least I have support from my isp).

If you have an isp that support zope (or someone that installs and
"maintain" it for you - not really needed), moving your site should be
really easy.

You have to look for differents things when you move your site:

- Custom zope products (products that are not part of the zope
installation) found in /lib/python/products
- Zodb (the zope database : data.fs) I'm not sure if you'd better import
/ export the site or if you'd better copy the data.fs file. I guess it
depends if you keep the same zope version or not.
- everything in /imports and /extensions -> so at least you are sure you
have everything.

Practically nothing in zope is os dependant, but maybe if you were able
to have the zope version they were using, the os, and if it was run
behind some other server like apache, it would be easier to reinstall
the site the same way it was before. You'll avoid problems this way.

If you are on the same os, and if you don't wan't to change zope
version, you could copy the whole zope folder, but I'm not sure it's

btw you'll find information on the zope.org site on how to move a site
form a version to another.
(http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Misc/InstallingZope.html )

