[Zope] Development in Zope. Please, help!,For all Zopers

Antonio Carrasco antoniojezu@hotmail.com
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 13:33:39 +0200

Hi all. This is been very frustrate. I´m looking for something to do the CVS
under Zope. Some ideas, all ideas, all experiences CAN help me.
My question is very simple. Did you develope any application, what ever it
was, under Zope with a group of user, sharing an stable version, with a
development version, and with personal folders for each developer?. How did
you do it?

Ok, I have any ideas. This is what i did.

I have looked for products in Zope.org. I found some products, but I think
they don´t resolve my problem. ZCVSMixin, ZCVSFolder (where is it?, I have
looked for it in older Zope, but it is switched off).

I have looked the mailing list (thank you, Scott), but I found nothing. Only
found interesting discussion, but not solutions. Only ideas, but not under
Zope, like make the /home/developer/hisZopeFolder for each developer and
make a script to start General Zope with each folder. But, It´s very
difficult to understand (unless, for me). I found some thread where the talk
about making Data.fs copies, but it´s difficult too. I see the ViewCVS, but
it doesn´t run under Zope. I´m looking for a good idea. For experience in
this field. I think it´s important for all Zope developers. It´s only to
solve a problem: The Best (maybe, easy) Way To Do It.

I supposse someone, at least one, has to do something like this, to control
the developing (and developers) of a Zope Application. Did you do it? Are
you doing it?, How?

Answer, please. Thanks in advantagge.

Antonio Carrasco
"If you look heddfully Reality, you will be able to see pixels".