[Zope] Completely brain dead with CookieCrumbler
Gilles Lenfant
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 19:20:02 +0200
Please heeeelp !
Sometimes things are simple with Zope, other times I'm completely brain dead
for problems that would be so simple with other technologies...
Dieter Maurer tried to help me (thanks Dieter) but I did not get all.
I got a form that requires an id ad a password/confirm password to a new
The new user is recorded in the acl_user with a "member" role. Till now,
all's fine.
I need to make a redirect to a page for "member" users on the fly without
falling in the "login_form" page.
I tried so many things, including submitting the new credentials from a
python script to the "logged_in" method with "__ac_name", "__ac_password"
and "came_from" set that should work.
I'm so upset that if I get no solution, I'll remove all security features of
Zope ;-))
Pleaaase help!
So many thanks in advance.