[Zope] Uploading Images from a web from

Steve Spicklemire steve@spvi.com
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 10:16:09 -0500

Ahh.. I didn't know you were calling manage_addImage! Just pass '' for 
the id, and manage_addImage will do the rest (I swiped the code I sent 
from the implementation of manage_addImage, so it already does this for 


<dtml-call "_[gallerypath].manage_addImage('',image)">
<dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect ('../managegalleries.htm')">

should just work.


On Sunday, September 16, 2001, at 10:13 AM, Jan Lentfer wrote:

> Steve Spicklemire wrote:
>> Hi Jan,
>> You can do (essentially) what the Zope File object does:
>>          filename=file.filename
>>          filename=filename[max(string.rfind(filename, '/'),
>>                          string.rfind(filename, '\\'),
>>                          string.rfind(filename, ':'),
>>                          )+1:]
>> -steve
> That's python, right?
> Could you tell me how I can integrate this into my DTML-method?
> At the moment my DTML-Method looks like this:
> ---------------------
> <dtml-call "_[gallerypath].manage_addImage(image.filename,image)">
> <dtml-call "RESPONSE.redirect ('../managegalleries.htm')">
> ----------------------
> This works if I use Netscape on Linux, but doesn't with MSIE on Win2K, 
> I guess because of the \-Syntax.
> I am not very familar with Python, but I finally bought a book 
> (Addison-Weseley: Python 2). If I just had the time to read it ;-)
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Jan
> --
> Jan@MountainbikeHQ.de
> http://www.MountainbikeHQ.de - Your home for DH, DS and CC 
> Mountainbiking