[Zope] Using CVS with Zope (basic)

Antonio Carrasco antoniojezu@hotmail.com
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 01:56:41 +0200

Thanks a lot, Jean!. We decided not to do it under Zope. But now, I´m going
to study this way to do it.
Thanks again.

Antonio Carrasco
"If you look heedfully Reality, You may see pixels"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jean Jordaan" <jean@upfrontsystems.co.za>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 12:21 AM
Subject: [Zope] Using CVS with Zope (basic)

> Hi all
> In the hope that it might be useful to someone else, here is how we use
> CVS and 'sitecopy' together with Zope.
> First, some background: our first need is simply to get all the relevant
> textual content in Zope onto the filesystem, so that multiple developers
> can work on it there using their text-processing tools of choice. Then
> of course we need to get the text back in.
> To do this, you need a good tool to automate the process. The best way
> I've found is Joe Orton's "sitecopy":http://www.lyra.org/sitecopy/
> 1. Configure 'sitecopy' to:
>    - exclude all the Zope objects that don't have a filesystem
>      representation (such as SQL methods, SkinScript, external methods,
>      MailHosts, Catalogs and so on). *Note*: while it is logical that
>      some of these (such as external methods) don't have filesystem
>      representation, others (such as SQL methods) simply lack PUT
>      factories.
>    - use the WebDAV source port (FTP access is a bit fragile).
>    Because a 'sitecopy' site definition is single-rooted (you can't get
>    files from different trees in Zope at once) you should define your
>    'sitecopy' sites for accessing your "App" directory (from the Zope
>    root) and your ZClasses (in 'Control_Panel/Products/SomeName')
>    seperately.
> 2. Use 'sitecopy' to pull down the site::
>     sitecopy --fetch app app_zclasses
>     sitecopy --sync app app_zclasses
>    To prevent 'sitecopy' from uploading *everything* next time you
>    update, tell it that the local site is up to date::
>     sitecopy --catchup app app_zclasses
> 3. Import the site into CVS::
>     export CVSROOT=/path/to/your/repository
>     cd ~/WORKINGDIR/app
>     cvs import -m "Importing app" zope/app app start
>     cd ~/WORKINGDIR/app_zclasses
>     cvs import -m "Importing app_zclasses" zope/app_zclasses app_zclasses
> start
>    Remove your working directory and check it out from CVS::
>     cd ~
>     rm -r WORKINGDIR
>     cvs checkout zope/app
>     cvs checkout zope/app_zclasses
> 4. Edit away::
>     cd ~/zope/app
>     gvim (edit away ..)
>    Whenever you want to make your edits active in Zope, do::
>     sitecopy --update app
>    Once you are satisfied that something is working, check it into CVS.
> 5. Adding Zope objects.
>    Since Zope creates DTML Documents for all textfiles uploaded, unless
>    the file is uploaded to an existing object, adding needs to be done
>    thru the ZMI. When you have created your object, fetch it via FTP and
>    add it to CVS::
>     ftp zopehost
>     > cd dir
>     > lcd dir
>     > get newMethod
>     > bye
>     cvs add dir/newMethod
>    (It would be really great if there were some way, for example via a
>    header block such as the '##data' section at the start of a Python
>    script, to describe new objects on the filesystem so that the right
>    object is automatically created when they're uploaded.)
> 6. Don't make any important changes using the ZMI. From now on, the
>    authoritative source is the copy on the filesystem. Any TTW changes
>    will be overwritten (if it was checked out) or forgotten (if it
>    wasn't checked out and added to CVS control). Use the ZMI for
>    quick experimentation, as far as code changes are concerned.
> Note: this method works fine on Linux, and on Windows if you use the
> "Cygwin tools":http://www.cygwin.com . 'sitecopy' is easy to compile
> under Cygwin.
> I hope this helps someone!
> Regards,
> Jean
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