[Zope] return and render dynamically created dtml from python script
Danny William Adair
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 02:13:11 -0400
Yes, I've followed the thread about calling dtml methods, but I couldn't get very much out of it concerning my following problem (maybe I should read it again?). I have a similar problem, but my dtml is created dynamically:
folder "sayhello/":
dtml method "template":
<dtml-var standard_html>
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>
python script "personalize" (only parameter: "document")
from string import replace
personalized = getattr(context, document).document_src()
personalized = replace(personalized, '$GREETING$', 'this is the greeting')
personalized = replace(personalized, '$INTRODUCTION$', 'this is the introduction')
return personalized
(of course the strings will be replaced by calls like "getGreeting", "getIntroduction" :-) just testing right now)
dtml method "index_html"
<dtml-var "personalize('template')">
Yes, I could do the dollar sign stuff with dtml variables, but I don't want the editor to be able to use dtml in general, just a couple of "variables" provided by me. So I invented some names and give him the opportunity to include some simple texts/numbers that might be useful inside his text. (-> he can edit "template")
Of course this returns crap:
The python script takes the raw, unrendered dtml source, replaces a few strings, and returns that unrendered source.
"Dynamically created DTML" means I want to render the document_src *after* replacing.
I understand that I could create an external method contatining something like
from OFS.DocumentTemplate.DT_HTML import HTML
def renderDTML(DTML, namespace=None, **kw):
return ob(namespace, kw=kw)
(which I would do if totally necessary), but since I'm using an INSTANCE_HOME, I don't know how do the import correctly, I always get an error when trying to add an external method containing the above, that sits in my "Extensions" directory.