[Zope] old instances and new versions of their classes

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
Thu, 20 Sep 2001 16:13:11 -0400

The answer is basically yes.  Shane's "Refresh" product attempts to make
this unnecessary, but it's more reliable to restart.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mitchell Model" <model@mpi.com>
To: "Chris McDonough" <chrism@zope.com>
Cc: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Zope] old instances and new versions of their classes

> At 2:31 PM -0400 9/20/01, Chris McDonough wrote:
> > > Is there any way to get existing instances to recognize new or changed
> >methods (or class variables) of their classes?  (I'm not interested in
> >regular instance variables here, just methods and class variables.)
> >
> >This happens automatically.  Nothing special besides a Zope restart needs
> >done to make instances "notice" shared instance (class) variables and
> >methods when you're coding a disk-based product.
> Ah, but it does require a restart?  That might be the information I need.
Reloading the product from the debugger didn't do it.  (I don't think
refreshing the product does it either.)  So something special happens at
restart to connect old instances with the new definitions?