[Zope] German v English beehive Book

Chris Abraham cja@dds.nl
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 19:35:00 +0200

Last week, someone asked if the German beehive GmbH book 
<http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/3932588932/>was the same 
book as the No Starch English book 
<http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1886411573/> -- and the 
answer is below:

> yes it is. but in my opinion, the nostarch 
> book is a little bit better than the german 
> one because one of the nostarch guys 
> was a damn good developer so he was 
> improving the content of the book.

Cheers and don't forget to come visit the Zope Python User Group pages 
at <http://www.zpug.org> -- we have a meeting this Wednesday -- and its 
all 100% Python and 100% Guido van Rossum!

Come one come all!
