[Zope] stx_to_html.py doesn't render tables in structured tex
Simon Brunning
Wed, 26 Sep 2001 13:58:14 +0100
> From: Danny William Adair [SMTP:danny@adair.net]
> Sorry for answering so late.
> I have the same problem using Zope 2.4.1, BUT
> <dtml-var my_stx fmt=structured-text>
> doesn't render tables either (not anymore)!
> I will take a deeper look now, but if you can confirm that
> fmt=structured-text fails as well
I have also got a problem with rendering structured text in Zope 2.4.1. I
have the following text in a text file:
Some text. *One asterisk*. **two asterisks**.
* A list
* *One asterisk*
* **Two**
* A quoted asterisk - '*' - followed by more text.
* Text surrounded by '*' characters (with white-space to the left of the
first '*' and whitespace or puctuation to the right of the second '*') is
* Text surrounded by '**' characters (with white-space to the left of the
first '**' and whitespace or puctuation to the right of the second '**')
is made **strong**.
And have the following DTML document to show it:
<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<h2>Rendering structured_text</h2>
<dtml-var structured_text fmt=structured-text>
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>
The shorter lines all come out OK, but in the longer ones, the quoted
asterisks aren't escaping...
> I think this is something for the
> Collector...
If I could find it...
Simon Brunning
TriSystems Ltd.
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