[Zope] [HELP] Zope local roles and LDAP Groups

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Tue, 2 Apr 2002 21:38:31 +0200

Jens Vagelpohl writes:
 > ...
 > in order to use a role that a user has because his record is in a certain 
 > group in LDAP (first of all, look at the user object to make sure the role 
 > is actually assigned!) you need to create a role of the same name in zope 
 > using the Security tab in a folder or at the root. then you can assign all 
 > the permissions you want to this role, also on the Security tab. the user 
 > that has this special role from LDAP will then have those permissions in 
 > that location and "below".
I have an extension to your LDAPUserFolder which allows mapping from
LDAP groups to Zope roles.

If you are interested, I can package the patch and send it to you.
