[Zope] dictionary definition and strings
Dieter Maurer
Thu, 4 Apr 2002 20:28:29 +0200
p.t. writes:
> as a newbie to Zope and this list, I have a simple question I can't manage
> to get an answer.
> If, in a python script, I have a string ="{'aKey':'aValue'}" and I want to
> generate a dictionary from such a string, what should I do?
> BTW, the function dict() does not work (at least in Zope 2.4.3)
> TIA for any suggestion,
If you have write access to the file system (where Zope extensions live),
I would recomment to make an External Method "safe_eval" and
use it for the conversion.
"safe_eval" could have the following definition
def safe_eval(s,dict=None):
'''evaluate *s* in *dict*.'''
if dict is None: dict= {}
dict['__builtins__']= None
return eval(s,dict)
The "dict['__builtins__']= None" makes your "eval" half-way safe.
It is still possible to let your server crash by creating
excessively large objects: e.g. '1000000000 * "123"'.
The package "RestrictedPython" probably allows you to define
safer versions of "eval" but I did not yet look enough into it
that I could give you a precise recipe.
An alternative, but a bit indirect, would be to create a
DTML object consisting of
<dtml-return expr="your string">
and then call it. The result will be your string evaluated.