[Zope] Problems with LocalFS again

Philipp Giere p.giere@hzd.hessen.de
Fri, 05 Apr 2002 10:50:26 +0200

Last tim I forgot to include the traceback in the mail, sorry for 
that ...

I try to add an LocalFS Object with an python-product. My code looks 
like this:

from Products.LocalFS.LocalFS import manage_addLocalFS

def addLocalFS(self, id, title, basepath, username=None, password=None,
    manage_addLocalFS(self, id, title, basepath, username=None,
	password=None, REQUEST=None)

def manage_addUPortal(self,id,title,base_location,basepath, 


    # Add LocalFS
    addLocalFS(newObj.Linkliste, 'Bilder', 'Bilderordner auf lokalem
    Filesystem', basepath)

What is the error?

The error shown in Zope:
Error Type: AttributeError
Error Value: 'None' object has no attribute 'get'

The traceback:

Philipp Giere, uib
BSZ Umweltressort Hessen
Tel.: +49 611 340 616
Fax.: +49 611 340 663