[Zope] performance concern

Bill Anderson bill@libc.org
05 Apr 2002 18:28:02 -0700

On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 12:13, Dario Lopez-K=E4sten wrote:

> This does not change the fact that there are some problems or issues with=
> intensive Zope apps. Basically what Andreas and Maik are saying is that Z=
> sucks^H^H^H is sub-optimal when building DB intesive apps unless it is on
> the top-of-the line hardwara - which is kind of sad, because only last
> summer a 450 Mhz machine with Linux was pretty decent, and something that
> competing products would have no problem performing pretty well on.

I think last summers good machines were near-GHz ... but that's another
issue. ;^)

> I run my app on a 1.8 GHz P4 Linux box, and it is not as fast as could be
> expected. We have *all* our content in Oracle running off a Sun 450, 4 CP=
> 4 GB Ram. All Zope operations happen in memory on the Linux machine (whic=
> means no swapping) and still i have at times 98% CPU usage for something
> like 4-8 concurrent queries and the users are complaining - a bit.
> I am caching in Zope and using Apache with chachin on. I dunno how much
> faster a PC you can buy, but not that much faster that I am using now. I
> have a lot of optimisations left to do, so I can probably tweak it some
> more and get greater performance.

Lemme tell you about a little experiment I've been having fun with. I
have two machines running ZEO Zope Instances, one is a dual 300 w/~364MB
RAM, the other a dual Athlon XP1600 running 512MB. I have a third
machine, a P133 w64MB RAM running Apache in Proxypass mode to serve up
the sites. Now, that combo is pushing mid-80's/sec on an average request
(and up to 109 on easier requests). These are to CMF served pages, btw.
Each ZEO machine has 3 instances/domain on it. So 6 total ZEO-Zope

I've added for fun and curiosity, mind you, a SQUID proxy to the dual
athlon. I run ApacheBench (ab) through the SQUID proxy (which talks to
the Apache box) and see over an order of magnitude improvement. Yes, I
have watched it pull 1800 RPS, on those same queries. Now granted, this
is all without SQL, so it may not apply to the original poster's
concern, but I think they are impressive numbers, so I figured I'd post
them. :^)

Still, ZEO may be an option to speed up ZSQL queries, but I cannot say
for sure, since I rarely use ZSQl anymore anyway.

BTW,  the request count was 10000, with a concurrency of 500. :^)

Bill Anderson
Linux in Boise Club                  http://www.libc.org
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