[Zope] Zclass's subobject
Nuno Teixeira
Fri, 12 Apr 2002 18:52:36 +0100
Hi all!
I've made a ZClass (via web) inside another like following (using ZClass:ObjectManager class)
Programa (Product)
EventManager_add (DTML)
EventManager_addForm (DTML)
EventManager_add_permission (Permission)
Event_add_permission (Permission)
EventManager_factory (Factory)
EventManager (ZClass) *
Event_add (DTML)
Event_addForm (DTML)
Event_factory (Factory)
Event (ZClass) *
edit (DTML)
edit_form (DTML)
ZMI interface is working fine but now i want to make an admin DTML outside of ZMI
When a new EventManager is created i want to make Event (sub object of EventManager ) automatically, but i'm stuck when i try to create it.
EventManager object will represent Year and Month
Event object will represent Days of EventManager
Here is a excert of dtml that is called when is submited an "add" EventManager form:
<dtml-with expr="manage_addProduct['Programa']">
<dtml-call name="EventManager_add">
<dtml-call expr="REQUEST.set('Day', '2')">
<dtml-call name="/Testing/Programa/123401/Event_add">
The last two lines are just for testing where:
'Day' - Event object id
/Testing/Programa/ - Folder where is dtml
123401 - id of EventManager (already created)
The EventManager object is created but i don't see a way to add Event objects inside it :(
EventManager_add (on ZClass):
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('id', Year + _.string.zfill(Month,2))">
<dtml-with "EventManager.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'], REQUEST)">
<dtml-call "propertysheets.Basic.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)">
Event_add (on ZClass):
<dtml-with "Event.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['Day'], REQUEST)">
<dtml-call "propertysheets.basic.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)">
if i put url:
This way the EventObject is created. Why that doesn't work on dtml?
If one of you have a better approach to solve that application, tell me.
Nuno Teixeira