[Zope] Copying objects in ZODB programmatically
Noel Duffy
Sat, 13 Apr 2002 15:41:31 +0100
On Friday 12 April 2002 21:06, Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Noel Duffy writes:
> > I am trying to make a copy of an object in my ZODB using
> > manage_copyObjects and manage_pasteObjects. I have code
> > like this:
> >
> > import Zope
> > app=Zope.app()
> > x=app.manage_copyObjects([app['getad'].id])
> > app.manage_pasteObjects(x)
> "manage_pasteObjects" (more precisely, "_verifyObjectPaste"
> performs its own security check, even if called in an
> unrestricted environment.
> As in your context, there is not user, the check fails.
> I see two options:
> * modify Zope's code (e.g. by adding a new "manage_pasteObjects_woCheck"
> without this check)
> * create a request object with authentication information,
> perform a "traverse" on this object (this will set the
> user) and then call "manage_pasteObjects" on the traverse to
> object.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Do you have an example of how one would do this, as I cannot quite
picture in my head how this should be approached?
Thanks again,