[Zope] Zope FTP Hang File List Problem

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 22:23:33 +0200

hpinson@indepthl.com writes:
 > Hi Dieter.  Yes, we have tried both passive and non passive FTP.  In either 
 > case, according to the Z2.log we get enter Zope successfully, but the 
 > session appears to hang on the FTP "LIST" command.  No files or 
 > directories are visible.
 > Several folks have pointed to NAT problems, but why this problem would 
 > only show up only at the "LIST" request does not make sense to me.
 > Here's the whole Z2.log entry:
 > ==> 220  FTP server (Medusa Async V1.18 [experimental]) ready.
 > <== USER *****
 > ==> 331 Password required.
 > <== PASS <password>
 > ==> 230 Login successful.
 > <== PWD
 > ==> 257 "/" is the current directory.
 > <== SYST
 > ==> 215 UNIX Type: L8
 > <== PORT 10,0,0,6,4,13
 > ==> 200 PORT command successful.
 > <== LIST
 > ==> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
Here, it tells you that it tries a (new) connect.

   It is well possible that your firewall blocks this connect.

   The other communication went probably through the already
   open connection.
