[Zope] Trouble forwarding Zope's WebDAV source port

Jean Jordaan jean@upfrontsystems.co.za
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 17:44:37 +0200

Hi all

When I open a local Zope instance's WebDAV source port using
Cadaver, it works fine::

 jean@blommie python $ cadaver
 dav:!> open blommie:13800
 Looking up hostname... Connecting to server... connected.
 Connecting to server... connected.
 dav:/> ls
 Listing collection `/': (reconnecting...done) succeeded.
 Coll:  Accounting                              0  Apr  9 10:49
 Coll:  Catalog                                 0  Apr 10 07:49
 [... etc ...]

However, when I try to forward a remote instance's WebDAV source
port via ssh, I get the following behaviour::

 jean@blommie lib $ ssh -l jean -L 8888:remote.co.za:8800 remote.co.za
 jean@remote.co.za's password:
 Last login: Mon Apr 15 16:30:44 2002 from local.co.za
 [jean@diepdink jean]$

 jean@blommie python $ cadaver
 dav:!> open localhost:8888
 Looking up hostname... Connecting to server... connected.
 Connecting to server... connected.
 Connecting to server... connected.
 [... for ever ...]

At the same time, I see this in the remote shell::

 [jean@diepdink jean]$ channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection
 [... for ever ...]

I tried this a while back too:
but there were no responses, and I haven't been able to figure out
what's wrong in the meantime either ..

Jean Jordaan
Upfront Systems                         http://www.upfrontsystems.co.za