[Zope] External Method Problem

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 22:31:04 +0200

Dennis Allison writes:
 > ....
 >    from Products.ParsedXML.StrIO import StringIO
 >    from Products.ParsedXML.ParsedXML import manage_addParsedXML
 >    import OFS.ObjectManager
 > #   <<code here to munge str passed in as a parameter from form>>
 > #   <<output is a list of strings called xmlstr>>    
 > #   <<the list output is put into a Unicode-safe file-like object>>
 >    sfd = StringIO( '\n'.join( xmlstr ))
 >    self.manage_addProduct['OFSP'].manage_addParsedXML( 'manifest_xml',
 > title='manifest', file=sfd )
The normal registration would put "manage_addParsedXML" into
the product "ParsedXML" not in "OFSP".

Try this.
