[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] Separate staging and development areas for a product

Graham King Graham.King@team.ozemail.com.au
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 11:38:34 +1000

Well, really, you should have 3 machines, probably on separate LANs:

Devt - usually on a corporate private LAN, not externally accessible.

QA - on production LAN - machine config should be identical to your
production one (so should Devt but that doesn't always happen).

Prod - external LAN, and not accessible by developers.

(this is Engineering practice, not just IT).

-----Original Message-----
From: John Ziniti [mailto:jziniti@speakeasy.org]
Sent: Tuesday, 16 April 2002 3:39
To: Ted Skolnick
Cc: zope@zope.org
Subject: [Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] Separate staging and development areas
for a product

I took the liberty of moving this thread to zope, as it's
probably better suited for that ML ...

Ted Skolnick wrote:

>My project contains ZSQL methods and external methods, if that is
>significant.  It seems like the external methods could be a rub, since they
>exist as files in the Zope installation directories (specifically in the
>Extensions directory).   I don't know how I could have multiple versions of
>these files, one for development, one for staging all within one instance
I do this using one machine for development and another
for production.  ZSQL Methods can be kept in different
folders for Dev/Prod, but External Methods would require
different modules for this, which will get hairy if you have
many EM's.  I think two machines is best, two Zope's is
next (using INSTANCE_HOME), and a naming convention
is next (Production_EM.py vs. Development_EM.py).

>I'd like to have a URL that looks like this...
>http://myserver/myproj/mymethod   without the Control_Panel bit.
To get that, you need to instantiate your product.  Within the
ZMI, use the "Add .." dropdown menu and create a new instance
of the "myproj" method in the Root folder.  Then your URL
will work.

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