[Zope] ImageMagik with TexIndexNG

Casey Duncan casey@zope.com
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 10:48:51 -0600

DocumentLibrary will work fine without ImageMagik. wvware just won't be 
able to convert wmf images to gifs, but DocumentLibrary does not care 
about images anyway.

I would recommend just building wvware without wmf support, which is 
what is should do itself if configure doesn't find ImageMagik.



Matt Gregory wrote:
> I am trying to build DocumentLibrary with wvware, which requires ImageMagik
> for wmf support.  I am having trouble getting ImageMagik to compile.  Some
> of the problems include it's refusal to recognize the installation of the
> Open Jpeg Groups jpeg-6b library (even with the --with-jpeg=../jpeg-6b)
> configure option.  That may or may not be the root problem because the make
> fails with the problems:
> "undefined reference to 'png_permit_mng_features'"
> ...ditto... "'png_create_write_struct_2'"
> ...ditto... "'png_create_read_struct_2'"
> I am using Zope 2.5, standard gnu libraries, I have installed zlib, pnglib,
> libpdf, tifflib, jpeglib wv - all the latest releases as of this post.
> Any clues?