[Zope] concatenate

Jorge O. Martinez jmartinez@eMediaMillWorks.com
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:21:05 -0400


I think I have the same problem. The reason it happens is because your 
select constrain isn't carried over to the next batching page ('where 
date....'), so the solution is to make sure the constrain IS carried 
over through the whole batching. I think the solution would be setting 
something with REQUEST, but don't know the exact answer; I am 
investigating it myself as I have a similar situation. I'll post it if I 
can figure it, or a veteran zopista might already know the answer...


Jorge M.

Horvath Adam wrote:
> I have a problem with concatenating.
> There are two dtml method.
> One with a form with three select variable: year, month 
> and day
> The other dtml method process the form and call a zsql 
> method in a loop
> again and again when the "next or previous x hit" link is 
> clicked.
> In the zsql method:
> select * from table 
> <dtml-sqlgroup where>
>     <dtml-sqltest concatenateddate column=date type=int 
> op=like>
> </dtml-sqlgroup>
> So the problem:
> If I concatenate the date in zsql method. (three 
> arguments: year,month,day)
> Only the first  10 hit are find with the specified date 
> and at the 
> next 10 and more hits the date term is ignored.
> But, if I concatenate the three form variables in  the 
> processing dtml method
> before calling the zsql-loop and REQUEST.set
> ('concatenateddate' , ....
> and call zsql method in loop(It has only one argument now.)
> The result is the same. Only the first 10 hit are find 
> with the specified date
> and at the next 10 and more hits  the date term is ignored.
> And I don't like the date term to be ignored from the 
> second loop. 
> How can I do this job?
> (I've been thinking about it for three days :) )
> An another questions: I'd like to build multi-language 
> website.
> I imagined that there is a dictionary text file with all 
> the words and
> sentences of the program in several languages. And the 
> program is displayed
> in the selected language.
> Are there any documentations in that topic and example 
> programs?
> Thanks Halinux 
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Jorge O. Martinez
MIS Senior Associate
1100 Mercantile Lane, Suite 119
Largo, MD 20774
E-mail  => jmartinez@eMediaMillWorks.com
Phone   => (301)883-2482 ext. 105
Fax     => (301)883-9754