[Zope] Re: ParsedXML tree-widget

Karl Anderson kra@monkey.org
18 Apr 2002 19:06:27 -0700

Dude, parsed-xml-dev is where you're likely to get help about this.

Dennis Allison <allison@sumeru.stanford.EDU> writes:

> The problem I have is that to get it all to work I needed to do it by
> brain surgery, actually modify the Product sources.  None of the usual
> mechanisms has the right namespaces, or so it appears.  This has the 
> disadvantage that it effects everything that uses the tree widget 
> on the DOM, including the management screens.  I've not checked yet as
> to what I did there.  :-|
> The change is pretty simple -- in ManageableDOM.py:
>     def tpValues(self):
>         [...] 

How about grabbing the wrapped DOM node, aquiring this and whatever
other methods the tree widget needs, and wrapping the node that gets
returned when the user is done with the widget?

Karl Anderson      kra@monkey.org           http://www.monkey.org/~kra/