[Zope] referencing tuples

Dianne Van Dulken Dianne.VanDulken@team.ozemail.com.au
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 17:16:25 +1000

Hi all, 

I was wondering if what I am trying to do is possible, or not.

I have a method that returns a list of tuple pairs eg:

[(firstname, Di), (lastname, van Dulken), (address, ...) ] etc.

I have no problem looping through this to get the sequence-item,
sequence-key information:

<dtml-in "getDetails(_.None, _, status='Active')">
 <dtml-in sequence-item>
  <dtml-var sequence-key> = <dtml-var sequence-item>

works fine.

BUT, I really only want (on this page, the method is used on other pages) to
know a couple of the tuple details in the list.
I know I can get this by looping through the whole sequence and using 

<dtml-if "sequence-key == 'firstname'">

but that seems an incredibly slow and clunky way of referencing it to me.
Is there anyway I can reference the tuple value by the tuple key without
having to loop through them that way?  I've tried getitem('firstname') and
sequence-var-firstname, but neither of these work.  I couldn't find any one
else asking this, so I assume it is too basic for normal people to query on.

I also know I can reference THE tuple I am after by using sequence-item[1]
(or whatever), but that rather removes the whole point of having name

