[Zope] DCOracle 2 Problem

Matthew T. Kromer matt@zope.com
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 12:57:34 -0400

Sean Abrahams wrote:

>I updated to 1.1 that you uploaded an am still getting the same error.
>Running dco2 on my linux test box, and accessing an oracle 8.1.6 server on a
>ibm unix 4.3 box.
>I get the error no matter what table i query, with or without a date
>field, and even if i misspell the table name.
>since connecting and querying seems to work (ie data is getting sent
>and returned), this is most likely not a fault of a bad build or other
>module correct?
>I'm relatively new to gnu/linux and still learning everyday.
>cx_Oracle works fine, but I wanted to use DCOracle2 for Zope and its
>callproc() feature.
>What do you suggest I do?


Step 1:  

    export DCO2TRACEDUMP=dco2.tcd
    export DCO2TRACEFLAGS=255
    ... run your python program ...

Step 2:

   Go to http://www.zope.org/Members/matt/dco2/Tracker and open a 
problem report, uploading the tracedump from step 1.  Edit the file if 
necessary to remove any plaintext you don't want others to see (like 
passwords if they appear).

If that doesnt work, I need better tracebacks for why an integer is 
required -- "stdin line 1" is not helpful, since it doesn't tell me what 
the statement was that failed.

If that STILL doesn't work, then I need to see the schema description 
for your table, which you can get from DCOracle2 by doing the following

    db = DCOracle2.connect(connectstring)
    d = db.describe(SCHEMANAME)  # most schema names are all caps e.g. 
    print db.decodedesc(d)

If the decoding fails, then I will look at the raw description:

    import pprint

There are certain things DCOracle2 doesn't do, like Oracle objects, so I 
need to see the schema data to make sure it isn't getting back anything 
that it should be doing, but isn't.

Matt Kromer
Zope Corporation  http://www.zope.com/